Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Last Day of this Year, and this Decade...

So this decade is coming to a close, its been a tough year for me, but also a year full of growth. I don't have a lot of New Years resolutions this year, except to be consistent with my children's phonics and math instruction, whether I feel like doing it or not, and to start having my son do more copywork and dictation, I am thinking that since we try to help him memorize bible verses for his Awana book, those might be good starting points for copywork.  He is getting older, and dyslexic or not sooner or later he has to develop the ability to write legibly, to read better, and even to compose his own written messages. We did copywork consistently for awhile, and it really helped him a lot, so I know we need to start it up again.

I am thinking I may also have him do some copywork from "Little House in the Big Woods", since we will be reading it together as a family.

I wish you all a happy New Year!

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