Saturday, August 25, 2012

So much going on!

A lot has been going on in my life lately.  I'm still working out, still trying to eat healthier.  I haven't lost weight  significantly this summer, but haven't gained significantly either, I'm pretty much maintaining, bouncing up and down in the same 7-8 pound range.

An example of what has gone on recently. My mother-in-law passed on, my oldest daughter got married, I got bitten by the art bug and started painting... and most recently, a dear brother in Christ and his daughter Vanessa became homeless, so my family took them in.

This has been a real blessing, as I really do love them like family.  Vanessa seems to me like my own daughter, she even calls me mom, and I love her like my own.  Steve, her dad, is like a dear friend and brother to both me and my husband.  My only real concern about the situation is that some day they will of course leave, and I know that I am going to miss them both when that day comes... I'll miss them both, but I know I'll miss Vanessa most.  I am sure that it is going to feel like one of my own children leaving.  So while on the one hand, while I look forward to them getting back on their feet and receiving the blessing of steady work and their own place, I also selfishly dread the day.  Either way though, I know that God will work it out, and He will carry me through whatever feelings I have about the issue.  My joy is not dependent on people on this earth, but is dependent upon God, upon Christ, so I will get through this.

While this has been a blessing in many ways, it has, unfortunately distracted my focus from my weight loss.  The workout habit, and healthier eating habit has kept me from regaining all my weight, but my focus is just not that much on losing right now.  With three adults, one teenager, and two preteens living in this house, when I cook I tend to think of "feeding the masses", rather than, "keep the calories low".   I know I need to get the focus back, and I know I will soon.  In the meantime, I am getting some practice on maintenance and letting my metabolism have a break from the weight loss mode.

I am setting as a goal to redouble my efforts starting in September, when Vanessa starts school and some kind of regular schedule will be imposed on our household in order to get her there.  I am also thinking that perhaps I might just need to start making separate meals for myself, pasta for the masses and chicken and veggies for me!

On the homeschooling front, my planning is not quite finished for the coming year, but it is close to being finished, I will need to focus on that between now and September, so that my family is ready to get started on it.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Our ICAD's so far:

My daughter and I continue to create cards for the Index Card a Day Challenge, and my son even got in on the act once!

First the kid's ICAD's so far (posted in the order in which they were created.. I think.

By  my daughter Danielle (age 10)

By  my daughter Danielle (age 10)

By  my daughter Danielle (age 10)

My son Samuel's (age 12) only card so far.

By  my daughter Danielle (age 10)

By  my daughter Danielle (age 10)

By  my daughter Danielle (age 10)

By  my daughter Danielle (age 10)

Next my cards so far, in the order that they were created in:

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

More "Sneaky" Art!

Well, having their mom paint sure seem to be awakening a desire to create in my children.  Today, while I did my ICAD, both of my children painted as well.

My daughter made her creation as a gift for someone, so I can't post it or else they'll see the gift before they get it.  However, my son created his just for fun, so I am free to share a photo of his painting, I was really impressed with this, especially since he did it without sketching in pencil first.

And here is my ICAD for the day:


ICAD #4, painted with my daughter Eliana in mind.

ICAD 4 by Thrice Blessed
ICAD 4, a photo by Thrice Blessed on Flickr.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Another Index Card!

As I mentioned in my last post, I am taking part in the Index Card a Day challenge. This is my third index card.

ICAD #3 by Thrice Blessed
ICAD #3, a photo by Thrice Blessed on Flickr.

Its Been a While

Wow, its been a long time since I posted.  I've been busy, in the time since I posted last, my oldest has graduated and gotten married.  My younger two are still being homeschooled.  We did a couple of years of mostly doing homeschool on the computer, and in many ways it has met our needs.  However, I am desiring more involvement in the kids schooling, and I also think they will benefit from more books and hands on stuff and less screen time, so next year we are delving back into more "traditional" homeschooling, if there is such a thing.

One thing I've noticed with my kids is that they seem to resist "lessons", even if its something they are interested in.  Even trying to get them to do artistic things is often met with resistance.  However, I've stumbled recently on something that seems to remedy this.  Its called ICAD.  It stands for Index Card a Day and the idea is that you do something artistic with an index card every single day.  Well, I started the challenge for myself, because my perfectionist tendencies make me hesitant to experiment with my art supplies, but I've found it very freeing to be able to tell myself, "hey if you mess up, its just an index card, so it doesn't matter."  The challenge started June 1st, and runs to the end of July, I only found out about it the day before yesterday, so I've only done two cards so far:

004 by Thrice Blessed

004, a photo by Thrice Blessed on Flickr.

001 by Thrice Blessed

001, a photo by Thrice Blessed on Flickr.
Last night as I was doing my second index card, both kids wandered in, saw my paints, and just wanted to started painting too.  So they both created nice images, they didn't use index cards, but that's okay!  I'm starting to think of ways of to "sneak in" lessons, for me and them.  I could practice a technique, and explain what I'm doing and why, and if they wish they can try it too, if not they could do their own thing!.

This one was done by daughter Danielle:

This is another by Danielle, but she tells me its not finished yet.

This one was by my son, Samuel.